Distinctly Montana Magazine

Winter 2013

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/94998

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WINTER SALE! 60% Off (DISCOUNT APPLIES TO RETAIL PRICE) "Winter is tough. People aren't as thirsty when they're cold, so they don't drink enough. Water regulates your temperature and keeps your joints lubricated." yoga class, learning how to breathe for relaxation, and trading some of TV time for a few more z's. HOW TO TRAIN INJURY-FREE For Anker the best way to get in shape is not to get out of shape and the best way to stay injury free is to avoid overuse. He said, "From a physical standpoint ice climbing is quite a challenge. First, one must embrace the cold. Knowing how to keep warm and energized allows one to "feel the pump" as one hangs onto the ice tools. The psychological demand of operating in a risky environment heightens one's senses. But one must stay on the ball; mistakes are costly." While Anker, Foote, and McPhie spend most of their time training within their sport-specific areas of exper- tise, they also add in a mix of workouts to keep their bodies and mind balanced and interested. All train outdoors as much as possible. "There's a difference between increasing and main- taining our fitness levels," cited Beeson, who recom- mends aerobic training four-six times/week between 30-60 minutes with an elevated heart rate and strength training two-three times/week hitting all major muscle groups. Beeson starts her clients working out with two cardio and one strength training session per week. She also works to keep fitness fun for both herself and her clients. "I'm always looking for new ideas; my clients think I dream these things up in my sleep." Like her clients, fitness professional Vogel has ebbs and flows too, "A key factor is having a challenge or goal to keep me motivated. We need something quanti- fiable, we need something joyful and fun—I think it's all about the goal to keep you going. I always need a little bit of a challenge." Each year Vogel creates a new fit- ness goal for herself, as she does for her clients. Vogel's advice to stay injury free: always warm up and learn the difference between the beneficial "burn" or muscle pain and detrimental joint and sharp pain. For Taylor training his clients may start slow, "Walk before we run," he said, "Then run fast." Taylor lives by the adage: "In the game of life I don't want front seats, I came to play," and perhaps so should we. www.distinctlymontana.com ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY ABSOLUTELY NEVER UNDERSOLD ALL INVENTORY THROUGH MARCH 15TH OUR HAND-WOVEN RUGS ONLINE DESIGNERS MOST WELCOME VIEW AND SHOP 406.586.8491 • WWW.FINEWOOLRUGS.COM ON HUFFINE LANE IN BOZEMAN 65

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