Distinctly Montana Magazine

Winter 2013

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/94998

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Muscle checking by a BodyTalk practitioner Do medical doctors refer patients to you? DAGMAR: In Germany, that happens more often. Classical Homeopathy is more known there. You have to have a license to practice. MARY: Yes, and Chiropractors. Some things treated chiro- practically will keep going back out of alignment until the soft tissue is addressed. PHIL: All of the time, yes. Usually I get the clients who have tried tons of other things and are still in pain. KATHY: Yes, especially neurologists. General Practitioners refer when they can't figure out what's wrong with people. I also share a lot of clients with psychologists and therapists. They know what BodyTalk is and have seen patients respond to it. BRENDA: Yes, as well as Nurse Practitioners and Physical Thera- pists, Counselors and Psychologists. It takes time for them to know that you're reliable and know what you're doing. MARGARET: Often, if they can't figure out how to treat a given issue or if a patient requests a more natural ap- proach, they will refer to us. Also when a person is having difficulty tolerating conventional medication. How does a person choose which of these modalities to try? MARGARET: If the symptom is something that we really don't understand, a Naturopath can order tests, then help a person sort out options, look at the big picture, discuss what might address the issue, what treatment might be appropriate, and make referrals. PHIL: Most people need to experiment to find which mo- dalities work best for them. DAGMAR: People need to be educated about all these things, read books, do Internet research. Or they can take a class to learn. Sometimes people call and ask what I'm doing. If you're educated, you can trust your instincts, "This matches. This is a good fit for me." BRENDA: Different approaches resonate for different situ- ations at different times in your life. Find a practitioner that you trust, someone who, if they feel like they can't help you, will send you to the person who can. What is the most important thing people can do for well being? MARGARET: Listen to the messages from the body. That's what symptoms are, messages. Learn to listen and to un- derstand messages from your body. KATHY: Be grateful for what is. 52 DISTINCTLY MONTANA • WINTER 2013

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