Distinctly Montana Magazine

Winter 2013

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/94998

Contents of this Issue


Page 35 of 99

"Trout Mirror" carved wood cast in bronze - 23" x 24" – limited edition Which art form comes easiest to you, and which do you really have to work at? The idea of painting on a two-dimensional surface or writing on a blank page is perhaps the most intimidating because so often my feelings seem simply too BIG to con- fine to paint strokes or words. Storytelling is the most innate but I still work at it. You say you are "fueled by adventure both inside and outside the studio." How do your outdoor adventures, from ice climbing to shipwrecks, find expres- sion in your art? The same combination of curiosity, tenacity, and gump- tion give me the fortitude to push boundaries, scare myself, take chances, laser my focus, enhance adaptability and develop intuition in both my studio work and adventures. Is it true that you once sculpted in chocolate? Yes! I have dipped into "Willy Wonka Land" more than once while completing large-scale sculptures for Nestlé out of chocolate (yum). As a magazine, we would like to know more about your storytell- ing. How do you see this as an art form? I create a vivid unforget- table scene, paint with words, and weave emotion like stitches to connect the audience and myself. I am candid about my feelings of fear and joy, darkness and light, conflict and comfort, success and failure. I strive to plant a seed of inspiration, open a heart or help confirm our humanity — such is art. You recently visited Chicago for an international sculpture conference. What did you learn? The International Sculpture Conference in Chicago was a scrumptious art feast for this hungry secluded Montanan. I piled my plate with new friendships, various resources, and spicy inspiration. I strive to plant a seed of inspiration, open a heart, or help Amber Jean's Paradise Valley studio Selecting wood for Reliquary sculpture series 34 DISTINCTLY MONTANA • WINTER 2013

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