Distinctly Montana Magazine

Summer 2012

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/68643

Contents of this Issue


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Skyin' THE ART OF BY DOROTHY PATENT WITH JEN HICKES C apturing the color, excitement, vitality, and ro- mance of life in the West, Larry Pirnie exempli- fies the spirit of Montana through his paintings. He has spent over three decades living and painting in Montana, yet he is widely known and collected through- out the country, because his art is unmistakably Pirnie. Larry Pirnie was born in 1940 in Bettendorf, Iowa, and spent summers traveling to the West to visit his grandpar- ents. He met Norman Rockwell in 1959 and acted on his recommendation to attend the Pratt Institute in New York. After earning his BFA from Pratt, he worked in advertising and marketing for many years before giving up a corporate position to live his dream of being a cowboy artist. Seeking a more creative and tranquil existence, he moved to Montana in 1978 and met Irene, who would become his wife two years later. She became his agent and has since placed his paintings in 130 galleries. In 2004, Lynne Himes created the Pirnie Art Showroom that now represents his work exclusively. Upon arriving in Montana, Larry painted in a more sub- dued color range—often associated with western art—for the first few years. But gradually, inevitably, he began to explore the vivid color harmonies so recognizable in Pir- nie artwork today. Some credit the formal training from Pratt or the popularity of the abstract movement while he studied there. Larry recalls a show in New York of paper www.distinctlymontana.com cutouts created by Matisse in his later years, with a bright orchestration of form and color that delighted his eye. The more he played with color, the more fun he had, and the more of what he calls "The Kid" showed up inside. "The Kid' loves color and playfulness with paint," Larry explains. Color also inspires the passion of his collectors. "Art should be a part of our everyday experience," he insists. As a result, Larry's work can be found in many public venues. When heart patients tell him that his paintings in the International Heart Institute at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula bring them pleasure while they are recovering from surgery, it brings a different kind of satis- faction to him personally. The stories of children will- ing to wait to ride on the Carousel until Larry's creation, "Paint," is available, put a smile on Larry's face. Larry has always felt that art belongs among "regular folks", not just hanging on the walls of a museum. There's no better way to spend a Missoula evening than dining downtown at The Depot, with a beverage from their award-winning wine list and a view of a Pirnie original. Long ago owner, Mike Munsey, decided to feature Larry's artwork in his establishment, and the two men have been friends ever since. Over the fireplace, where pa- trons can relax on comfortable couches, hangs Sunsettin', showing sweethearts in an old red pickup truck admiring 29

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