Distinctly Montana Magazine
Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/478138
D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A S P R I N G | 2 0 1 5 2 8 Gal IT hAS beeN A GReAT PLeASuRe Of MINe TO CReATe DISTINCTLY MONTANA GIfTS—OuR NeW ONLINe ShOP, feATuRING SOMe Of The beST Of MONTANA-MADe ARTISANAL CRAfTS. We opened our cyber-doors in mid-October and WOW our Distinctly Mon- tana fans and other lovers of Montana have found us. We have been overjoyed with the interest and enthusiasm with which they've embraced our concept. While traveling the state, I have met artists, artisans, and all manner of Montanans engaged in producing quality art and mer- chandise. Whether exploring galleries, farmer's markets, Montana gift shows or funky small town festivals, this refrain has followed me everywhere I go: "You really need to meet this artist or that artisan, you will love their work." What is truly amazing is that my search for quality, unique, handcrafted items turns up in the most unexpected places. As someone who is decidedly left-brain, I am so appreciative of the vision and creativity resulting in lovely jewelry, accessories, outdoor items, western art, western home décor, and Montana food items. I believe the things we buy for ourselves or as a gift say some- thing about who we are and what we appreciate. Beautifully handmade-in-Montana is what our online store is all about. I also appreciate how our Art Director, Robert Rath, works his magic on our Web site to make it visually wonderful and helps make product photos look their best. And I am so grateful we have a terrifi c Store Manager, Lisa, who makes cus- tomer service her top priority followed closely by service to our artisans. She answers every request for information promptly. The artists, artisans and producers come from around the state. Here are some tidbits of what I have found meeting and working with these makers of Montana products. SARAh buDD raises alpacas and works with local knitters to create lovely hats. Sarah says "Born, Shorn, and Worn in the U.S., alpaca is warmer than wool and softer than cashmere." When I fi rst tried on the hats and headbands, I knew we had to have these in our store. They are so warm and soft, made with skill and beauty. And I enjoyed meeting her herd of alpacas, right down the street from where I live. DANIeL MAzeL creates unique, hardwood fl y boxes and carves the Montana river or creek of your choice on the front and a personal quote or inscription on the back. When I fi rst held his fl y boxes, I knew we just had to have them in our gift store and sales prove that our customers agree. OLIve PARKeR enjoys sending us her lovely leather bracelets , made with ceramic beads and silver, copper or brass plated beads and details. She can barely keep up with the orders! DistinctlyMontanaGifts.com M O N T A N A S T Y L e