Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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86 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • FA L L 2 0 2 4 The reading was over. The elite crowd came forward to greet Hugo. As they thinned away from the table where he sat, I approached. Babbled nervously. Told him I was a former UM student of his. Thanked him for teaching me so much. Told him about my Con- dor and other novels. Thanked him again. The bulldog frowned. Peered at me with those keen steel eyes filled with the ghosts of thousands of students beyond his classes I took at UM. "Ahh," he said. "I think…I think I remember you now." He smiled his joy at one of his having gotten this far as a prose-slinger. As his Cosmos handler encouraged my departure, Hugo said: "Wait!" Then with the gruff laughter that carried him through life told me: "Tell them (the publishing world) to start paying more to poets!" Ahh, the timeless rebel plea in that year when The Brains re- leased their rock 'n' roll anthem "Money Changes Everything." Professional & Experienced Property Management VOTE FOR US! R T E P R O P E R T Y G R O U P Association Multi-Family Commercial Professional & Experienced Property Management VOTE FOR US! R T E P R O P E R T Y G R O U P Association Multi-Family Commercial Professional & Experienced Property Management VOTE FOR US! R T E P R O P E R T Y G R O U P Association Multi-Family Commercial Best Apartment Complex Best Property Management Finalist rtepropertygroup.com 406-206-9696 R T E P R O P E R T Y G R O U P P r o f es si ona l & E x peri e nced P r op e rt y M an a g e m en t 2023-24 of B E S T M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F Y E A R S WO N W I N N E R ! (406) 442-0033 shelliescountrycafe.com Best Pies Best Breakfast Best Breakfast Sandwich Best Brunch Best Diner ThankYou For Voting For Us! 2022-24 of B E S T M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F Y E A R S WO N F I N A L I S T ! 2022-24 of B E S T M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F Y E A R S WO N W I N N E R !

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