Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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65 w w w. d i s t i n c t l y m o n t a n a . c o m least—they're actually very pretty inside) line the street like teeth in some crazy mouth. A large church that has been con- verted into the family's house for now looms over them all. You can't help but notice how, when the sun's going down and the lights come on the upper floor windows, it looks quite a lot like the Bates Motel did in the movie. All along the rough, rutted street roam chickens, goats, cats, and a very friendly pony and mule. Maybe that last part isn't spooky, but it added to our enjoyment. It's probably been proven some- where that petting goats is good for your blood pressure. We were put up in the jail next to the saloon and "across the street" from Kees Laundry. Once a century-old family's house from the Butte area, the small home was relocated and turned into a jailhouse right out of an old John Wayne movie, com- plete with two "jail cells" with bars that swing shut and a big wooden desk for the sheriff to sit behind and watch the prison- ers. We were put in the jail, we were told, because even though it is pretty haunted, it is probably the least haunted place on the property. There's only one ghost in the jail, a pensive old-timer who walks, restlessly, from room to room. The ghosts at Gunslinger Gulch, the family says, mostly want to be left alone. Many Mon- tanans, I suspect, can sympathize. Nevertheless, we hoped that the misanthropic manifestation would appear to us. Alas, he did not; instead, we had a deep and restful sleep and awoke energized. Drat! (406) 224-8450 YellowstoneTipis.com 50 Jardine Road Gardiner, Montana YELLOWSTONE TIPIS 2023-24 of B E ST M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F Y E A R S WO N W I N N E R ! 2024 B E ST M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F W I N N E R ! Voted BEST MOVERS in Montana 406-207-3187 gardencitymoversllc.com NEED HELP WITH YOUR MOVE? Call Garden City Movers for an estimate and to get on the calendar today!

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