Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

Contents of this Issue


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D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A • B E S T O F M O N T A N A • F A L L 2 0 2 4 30 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT .................. 31 DRINKS & NIGHTLIFE .......................... 32 FOOD & DINING ..................................... 33 HEALTH & WELLNESS ......................... 35 HOME & GARDEN ................................... 38 MANUFACTURING & INDUSTRY.............................................. 40 PETS & ANIMALS .................................... 42 SERVICES ................................................... 42 SHOPPING ................................................. 44 SPORTS & FITNESS ................................. 48 TRAVEL & ADVENTURE ....................... 49 W E KNOW, WE KNOW. "BEST OF WHATEVER" COMPE- TITIONS ARE A DIME A DOZEN. But this isn't just any Best Of. This is the Best of Montana. You know what that means: the best of the best, as voted on by you, the experts. And this year more of you turned up than ever, with more than 80,000 nominations and votes. But in our third year we've discovered, and hopefully you have too, that Best of Montana is full of Montana stories. Like Mark of Philipsburg Creamery, who quietly labors at making the most delicious ice cream you've ever had in the titular small town. He worked hard for his win. And so did Bittersweet Salon in Hamilton—and G&H Family Boutique in Butte. Present are the old favorites of Montana like the Sip N Dip, around forever. And there are businesses like Jordi's Cantina in Anaconda, which is carving out its own legacy and, judging by the crowds that voted for them, might just last forever, too. Every one of the Finalists and Winners of Distinctly Montana's Best of Montana competition worked hard at their accomplishments and achieved them. It'd be a fairy tale if it weren't true. Congratulations to all the businesses in this list. But also, congratulations to everyone who voted. This is your Best of Montana 2024. B E S T O F M O N T A N A 2 0 2 4 2024 of B E ST M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F

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