Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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75 w w w. d i s t i n c t l y m o n t a n a . c o m "A highlight of the year is early March, when we take over all of the gym classes in Butte for the whole day and get to teach 250 kids and teachers about hurling and help them learn fun Irish words," he says of the effort. The team has also held similar sessions in Missoula. "Getting into the schools is awesome." Based on the enthusiastic turnout at this year's St. Patrick's Day game at Montana Tech's Alumni Coliseum, the clubs' out- reach efforts are paying off. "Fifteen years from now, I want everyone in this town to know what hurling is. I want them to go and learn the history of the GAA and the unity it brought to Ireland in times of persecution," Mulca- hy says. "I want the community to learn about hurling and to build the culture that doesn't exist here yet." Montana's hurling clubs wholeheartedly welcome new mem- bers and encourage anyone interested in the sport to come try it out. To learn more, check out the teams' social media pages, or visit www.wolfetones.club. "WE PRACTICE TOGETHER, TRAIN TOGETHER, TRAVEL TOGETHER… IT'S REALLY ONE BIG FAMILY," HE SAYS. "WE TAKE CARE OF ONE ANOTHER." ROGER PAFFORD

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