Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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59 w w w. d i s t i n c t l y m o n t a n a . c o m 406.468.0080 www.hiddencanyonlodge.com @hiddencanyonlodgeMT Best Fly Fishing Resort Located on a blue ribbon stretch of the Missouri River in central Montana Then, to deliver the coup de grace, we took the kids to the local splash pad. There, adults and children alike were doused by mounted water cannons, fountains, and an in- genious contraption that fills buckets with water and then dumps them unpredictably on whoever is standing under- neath. This author, by the way, watched the bucket con- traption for longer than he'd care to admit, mouth open. But maybe the best part of our trip was playing board games together on the rooftop garden of the Andrus Ho- tel. From there we could see the whole town framed in lovely sunset reds. We had a glass of wine. The kids, their eyes grow- ing heavy, sipped on their sodas. The mounted flag flapped trium- phantly over it all. Dillon had turned out to be a town so unpretentious and kid-friend- ly that it entertained even my whirling dervishes—yet sophisticated, beautiful, and interesting enough to captivate us, too. In short, now my family and I can't wait until the next time we need a trip to Dillon. SETTING OUT FROM THE ANDRUS, WE FOUND MANY INTERESTING, FUN, AND FAMILY-FRIENDLY THINGS TO DO WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE IN DILLON.

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