Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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58 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • FA L L 2 0 2 4 ulously, without any aches and pains in my back? That I floated around the town all day like a he- lium balloon? The Dillon Tribune-Examiner would sum up The Andrus Hotel as "arguably the single most am- bitious, grandest, classiest build- ing project in the 125-year history of the town." We, our kids, and especially my back, all agree with that assess- ment. Setting out from the Andrus, we found many interesting, fun, and fam- ily-friendly things to do within walking distance. We bought Monopoly at The Tabletop Vault, a game store in down- town Dillon, and talked with Asa, the owner, who was able to recom- mend some other great games for our kids. We ate at Papa T's, a great old-fashioned bar and burger joint with a bank of arcade ma- chines for the kids and an ice-cold beer for the grown-ups. We checked out the impres- sive Beaverhead County Museum. We tried on hats and boots at Atomic 79, which has an amazing neon sign that is almost worth the trip to Dillon right there. We also found Asian Mix just around the block from the Andrus. Asian Mix is so delicious, warm, and friendly that we ate there two nights in a row. The own- er, Mi Keh, talked to our children for ten minutes. A mother of five herself, she assured my hungry six-year-old that his boba tea was coming and winked at him when we chided him for his impatience. She gave us a handful of extra fortune cookies, which we opened and ate that night back at the ho- tel, and she even took a picture of us for her wall of customers. We would have found this charming enough, but then she served us some of the best curry, General Tso's chicken, and coconut chicken noodle soup we'd ever had. The mango sticky rice? Don't even get me started. The Myanmar Red Curry Beef? Incomparable. Dillon is a very lucky town. Where Western Charm Meets Impeccable Service. 116 Alder St, Anaconda, MT (406) 563-7571 womensfirearmacademy.com|406-318-7233|info@womensfirearmacademy.com|Whitefish, Montana Best Self-Defense Academy, Best Martial Arts Studio, and Best Fitness Center in all of Montana 2022-2023-2024 Free COMPASSIONATE, CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL CARE pregnancy testing ultrasounds one-on-one parental & material support std testing & treatment (406) 586-9444 • www.zoecare.org PREGNANT?

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