Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Fall

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1526588

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D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A • B E S T O F M O N T A N A • F A L L 2 0 2 4 54 culated through equations that empha- size circumference measurements of weight-bearing elements, particularly the femur and hip bones. Resulting figures vary widely, but researchers at the University of Alberta estimate that Scotty, currently the largest known T. rex, weighed 19,555 pounds. Is it possible, however, that we gross- ly underestimate the maximal size of Tyrannosaurus rex? Yes, indeed. Given the tiny population sample available and the difficulty of determining the sex of T. rex fossils, there is no way to ascertain whether T. rex was sexually dimorphic, i.e., characterized by sig- nificant sex-based differences in size, as is evident in many contemporary mammalian species in North Ameri- ca. Although their model ultimately rejected the likelihood of pronounced sexual dimorphism, paleontologists affiliated with the Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa) concluded, as of November 2022, that the largest T. rex could have been "about 70% bigger" than Scotty. Their findings are contro- versial, but Thomas Carr, a paleontolo- gist from Carthage College (Kenosha, Wisconsin), regards a T. rex of that size as "within reach statistically." Regardless of revelations that may emerge from future research, one con- stant remains eternal: T. rex evokes a powerful, visceral impression, even after 66 million years. In an article published in 1916, Osborn described Tyrannosaurus as "the most superb carnivorous mechanism among the ter- restrial Vertebrata, in which raptorial destructive power and speed are com- bined." Ninety-two years later, Grego- ry Paul echoed those sentiments, when he proclaimed that tyrannosaurids were "the culmination of approximately 100 million years of evolution of gigantic predatory dinosaurs. No other group matched their advanced combination of size, killing power, and speed." A per- sonal visit to MOR's Hall of Horns and Teeth will confirm the accuracy of their observations. BEEF N BONE StEAKHOUSE www.facebook.com/beefnbone BEST StEAKHOUSE in montana 2022-24 of B E S T M O N TA N A A S V O T E D B Y R E A D E R S O F Y E A R S WO N W I N N E R ! www.instagram.com/beefnbone 19 ULM NORTH FRONTAGE RD. ULM, MT 59485 406.866.2333 Michael Shaw Owner, Executive Chef Chef Michael and family are proud to be voted #1 Steakhouse once again, and we thank our guests for this honor. it is our pleasure to provide the finest in culinary cuisine and remain committed to provide our guests the finest dining experience. Barnum Brown continued digging in the Hell Creek Formation throughout his life

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