Distinctly Montana Magazine

2024 // Summer

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1522500

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16 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Last Best Books Presents ISLE OF BOOKS 511 W. MENDENHALL BOZEMAN 406.219.3581 ISLE OF BOOKS & BOOKS 43 E BROADWAY ST. BUTTE 406.782.9520 THESE AND OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE AT EITHER LOCATION WWW.ISLEOFBOOKSSHOP.COM 100 THINGS TO DO IN MONTANA BEFORE YOU DIE BY SUSIE WALL Travel guides aren't just for out-of- staters, you know. Even we Montan- ans need occasional reminders of the embarrassment of riches we have available to us. Susie Wall has pro- vided us with the perfect memento. Her suggestions for bucket list Trea- sure State experiences are as varied as "Savor the Tradition of Butte Pas- ties," "Listen to Wolves at Howler Inn," "Relax at Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs" and "Experience Native Culture at Kyiyo Pow Wow," and are excellent advice for anyone, whether a veteran of Mon- tana culture or otherwise. GREAT MONTANA WEEKENDS: FIFTY-TWO AMAZING (FANTASTIC, UNBELIEVABLE, PROBABLY PRETTY GOOD, MOSTLY FAMILY FRIENDLY) THINGS TO DO IN THE BIG SKY STATE BY ALLEN MORRIS JONES Much like Susie Wall's recent book, also reviewed on this page, Allen Morris Jones's book brims over with great ways to pass the time in Mon- tana and soak in the culture of the state. Each activity, in this case, in- cludes a "kid friendliness" rating sys- tem, which is a boon to those of us with kids that prove difficult to tear away from their devices. Heck, some of these weekends might just build character, like "sweep out a shearing shed." Handsomely illustrated and filled with fun facts about the peo- ple and places behind the weekends suggested, here's another guidebook well worth picking up. MOST TROUT DON'T READ BY SCOT BEALER Thank goodness trout don't read, or they'd know all the tips and tricks offered up by Bealer, an instructor in the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 'Hooked on Fishing' program. Bealer's deep knowledge of fishing is helpful to any angler, aspiring, amateur, or pro, and we wouldn't want those trout to be privy to any of it. On the other hand, the thought of depriving literate trout of the right to enjoy these warm, funny, and incisive stories seems like a crime. So whatever side of the fishing life you occupy, the fisherman or the fished, if you can read, you should probably read this book.

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