Distinctly Montana Magazine
Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1513097
D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 - 2 4 8 COVER PHOTO FRANK VARGO is a former squadron photographer for the United States Air Force. Currently, he's a contributing photographer with his wife, Lin, for Distinctly Montana and Rural Montana maga- zines, as well as contributing photographer for the Glasgow Courier newspaper. He is a former legislative aide for the Hawaii State Senate, former FBI identification division spe- cialist, and retired Federal Police officer in Washington, D.C.. He would rather be fishing. RACE FOR THE CAPITAL PAGE 24 LINDSAY TRAN is a freelance copywriter living and work- ing in Helena. Originally from Bozeman, her writ- ing and research interests include history, health and wellness, literature, and historic preservation. She enjoys gardening, hiking, reading, and horror movies. THE OLD BROKE RANCHER KILLS HIS GRILL PAGE 28 GARY SHELTON was born in Lewistown in 1951 and has been a rancher, a railroader, a biker, a teacher, a hip- pie, and a cowboy. Now he's trying his hand at writ- ing in the earnest hope that he'll make enough at it to make a down payment on an RV. Hell, scratch that. Enough to buy the whole RV. THE DAY JACK DEMPSEY CHEATED SHELBY! PAGE 35 SHERMAN CAHILL is a freelance writer who lives in Butte, Montana. He enjoys film, Westerns, crime fiction, and residing in the best city in America, if not the world. REGENERATING MONTANA PAGE 40 HANA-LEE SEDGWICK is a writer and journalist special- izing in all things food, wine, and travel. She is a regular contributor to multiple publications. In her downtime, Hana-Lee enjoys cooking and enter- taining, traveling, exploring the arts, and spending time outdoors with her husband and two kids. MONTANA'S DINERS PAGE 48 MICHAEL J. OBER is three generations deep into Mon- tana's history and lore. Born in Havre, Montana, he graduated from the University of Montana with a BA and MA degree American History and, later, a Master's of Library and Information Science from the University of Denver. He is the author of Glacier Album, (Riv- erbend Press, Helena) a showcase of vintage photographs of Gla- cier Park. He recently released his new title, Montana Historic Places on the National Register: From Banks and Barns to Bridg- es and Battlefields (Mountain Press, Missoula). He has written numerous articles in state and regional periodicals about Mon- tana's culture and history. CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTORS OUR Thank you for voting us The Best Veterinary Clinic ...and The Best Large Animal Vet in Montana 406-388-8387 | hardawayvet.com 5650 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade MT 59714 (406) 224-8450 YellowstoneTipis.com 50 Jardine Road Gardiner, Montana YELLOWSTONE TIPIS TM TM TM