Distinctly Montana Magazine


Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1507075

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Page 26 of 115

25 w w w. d i s t i n c t l y m o n t a n a . c o m 1500 Fairmont Road Fairmont, Montana • 406.797.3241 • 800.332.3272 • fairmontmontana.com THANK YOU FOR VOTING US BEST GOLF COURSE IN MONTANA tant, perversely obstinant in the way that only Butte can be, Bobby bought another bike as soon as he could and took to racing the po- lice around the town, popping wheelies and raising hell. On one of his run-ins with the cops, he was jailed next to the notorious criminal William "Awful" Knofel, suspected at one time of the murder of the 80-year-old Butte laundry owner named Quong On. The cops knew Knofel, as they knew Bobby. They liked Bobby only slightly better than Knofel, whom they'd nicknamed Awful. "Well, what do you know," one of the cops said that night, a grin on his face. "We've got Awful Knofel, and Evil Knievel! How do you like that?" In the end, Bobby liked it well enough. It sounded legendary.

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