Distinctly Montana Magazine


Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1507075

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Page 71 of 115

70 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • FA L L 2 0 2 3 I N FEBRUARY OF 1801, A BLACKFOOT CHIEF NAMED AKO MIC MI, TRANSLATED AS FEATHERS, TRAVELED ON HORSEBACK TO THE CONFLUENCE OF THE RED DEER AND SASKATCHEWAN RIVERS IN PRESENT-DAY CANADA TO VISIT THE FIRST TRADING POST EVER ESTABLISHED ON THE NORTHERN PLAINS. Having heard that a new arrival sought de- tailed information about the local area, Ako Mic Mi (sometimes spelled Ac ko mok ki) came to the Chesterfield House that day to share with Hudson Bay surveyor Peter Fidler what Indigenous people had been trading there since time immemorial—relevant and topical knowledge of the world. Because his knowledge came from an oral tradition and he had no handheld map to give to Peter, Feathers instead drew a balanced and centered dia- gram of lines on the ground and then communicated the details to Fidler using the spoken Blackfoot language and Plains Sign. Fidler copied the lines of the diagram into his journal and then added demographic and geographic footnotes related to him through Feathers's oral communication. The final copy of Feathers's map describes a landscape of over 200,000 square miles and stands out as being the most expan- sive oral account of a geographic region ever recorded on the continent. Stretching from Oregon to North Dakota, and from CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A BLACKFOOT MAP by DR. SHANE DOYLE Briiance and Beauty

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