Distinctly Montana Magazine

2023 // Summer

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1501082

Contents of this Issue


Page 58 of 83

57 w w w. d i s t i n c t l y m o n t a n a . c o m this time came from cashing in on her widespread celebrity status. She sold her autobiography, Life and Adventures of Ca- lamity Jane, by Herself. This was a short pamphlet that she had printed in great volume, full of exaggerations, half truths and outright invention. However, it played right into her reputation; she sold them wherever she traveled, and people lapped it up. Back in Billings again, she began making frequent trips into the new Yellowstone National Park. In 1897 she was issued "Spe- cial Permit No. 1" and spent her time there selling her booklet and postcards of herself to any and all tourists she could find. There is a surviving photo of her there talking with tourists with a bundle of her pamphlets in her hand. By the 1890s, law and civilization had come to the West. It was no longer the "wild West" of her youth, and she often found the new societal norms at odds with her independent, freewheeling character. Well before her move back to Montana, Martha had developed quite a thirst for whiskey, and was also quite fond of cigars. She had commented once that had she not spent her money so freely (on whiskey), she would be a millionaire. On one occasion, she strode into a busy, festive saloon, or- dered everyone out but a couple people and proceeded to make her point by shooting out the bar's large mirror. She then ordered drinks at her "guests'" expense. The next day she rode into the same saloon on a borrowed horse to order drinks. It was said that Christian Sawicki Visit us at keepmontanawild.org to learn how we're connec ng, uni ng, and mobilizing people and communi es to keep Montana wild. We protect what makes Montana special Calamity Jane with soldiers on the during the Billings railroad strike of June 1894 Martha Canary, Livingston, 1901

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