Distinctly Montana Magazine

2023 // Summer

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1501082

Contents of this Issue


Page 71 of 83

70 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 people. The communities that are at the base of the A-P protect the wilderness fiercely as does non-prof- its such as WildMT, The Anaconda Trail Society to name a couple that hold hikes in the wilder- ness to highlight areas of concern or teach why we need to protect these wild places. One of my favorite things about the A-P is a hostel that lies, not in the wilderness, but in the nearby picturesque town of Anacon- da itself. In fact, many Continental Divide Trail hikers and others seeking to get out into the A-P stay at Pintler's Portal Hostel. It is an impressively trendy (and comfortably appointed) local hangout catering to hikers, recreationists, and adventuresome travelers who need a comfy, affordable bed and a great community vibe. Owners Steve and Marsha Hill told me that had between 375 hiker night stays be- tween June 1st and September 30th last year, most to use Pintler's Portal as a base camp for further adventures. This year, based on what they have seen so far, they have every indica- tion that it will be more. It's true that in the past five years recre- ational use has grown in the area and with this poses new problems. Several areas are expe- riencing overuse and there are areas that are ANACONDA ANACONDA PINTLER PINTLER WILDERNESS WILDERNESS MANY WHO COME TO JOIN THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL OR TO GET OUT INTO THE A-P STAY AT PINTLER'S PORTAL, THE IMPRESSIVELY TRENDY (AND COMFORTABLY APPOINTED) LOCAL HANGOUT FOR HIKERS, RECREATIONISTS, AND TRAVELERS WHO NEED A COMFY BED.

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