Distinctly Montana Magazine

2023 // Spring

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1494457

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32 D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 tion with Touch the Clouds, Little Wound, and Billy Garnett in various individual and group portraits. Finally, an eagle-feather bonnet, with full-length trailer, was worn by Red Cloud, He Dog (in this image), and Touch the Clouds, respectively, in at least three Brady photographs. On the other hand, He Dog wields a wicked and classic Lakota weapon, one that would have given him a fighting chance in hand-to-hand combat with a grizzly. Pos- sibly a post-Civil War development, knife clubs were apparently used only by the Sioux. Most examples with known collection histories are specifically attributed to the Lakota. Typically armed with three blades, knife clubs were usually more than three feet in length and commonly decorated with brass tacks. As this photograph indicates, two-row hairpipe breastplates and large German-silver crosses had, by the mid-1870s, become fashionable accessories among Lakota men. The shirt worn by American Horse is often identified as the "Red Cloud shirt;" its exquisite craftsmanship is more clearly illustrated in a half-length, individual portrait of American Horse, which is credited to Daniel S. Mitchell, a frontier photographer in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Unquestionably one of the finest examples of 19th-centu- ry Plains Indian art in existence, few pieces from this era have been studied more thoroughly than this shirt, thanks to the dissertation research of Colin Taylor, who eloquently describes it, as well as the shirt attributed to Crazy Horse, as "classic silent memorials to the Lakota people who produced them." Indeed, the Brady photographs of the 1877 Lakota delegation provide spectacular glimpses of a people at their artis- tic zenith, just before the tide of assimilationist forces swept over them. 406-837-4886 www.bigforksummerplayhouse.com Our 64th Season! May 15 — August 24 B E S T O F M O N TA N A B M D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A ' S 2023 Nominate Us! Arts & Entertainment American Horse, Oglala Lakota, wearing the "Red Cloud" shirt, 1877. Photograph by Daniel S. Mitchell, Cheyenne, Wyoming. National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Negative No. 3214-C.

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