Distinctly Montana Magazine

2023 // Spring

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1494457

Contents of this Issue


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D I S T I N C T LY M O N TA N A M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 78 5 TH PLACE T. KEMNER 6 TH PLACE (TIE!) MEARA12 (LEFT) AND SUSAN (RIGHT) 2 ND PLACE H. O'ROURKE P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E D ISTINCTLY MONTANA IS PLEASED TO PRESENT THE WIN- NERS OF THIS ISSUE'S PHOTO CONTEST! The lucky first place win- ner will receive a $50 gift certificate to our Montana-made gift shop and a 1-year subscrip- tion to Distinctly Montana. Five runners-up will receive a copy of this issue, and one lucky winner in a drawing will receive a $200 cash prize. Make sure that you're signed up for our newsletter at distinctlymontana.com/contests to receive notices. Check out our website and follow us on Facebook (facebook.com/distinctlymontana) to see current contests. Our next photo contest may have already started, so don't miss this chance to win great prizes and see your name and photo in print! P H O T O C O N T E S T P H O T O C O N T E S T D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A ' S D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A ' S The number four winner is last issue's photo contest was misattributed. The correct photographer was Tracy Enterline. 1 ST PLACE SLINJANEN@GMAIL.COM 2 ND PLACE JEAN LABELLE 3 RD PLACE LISA HARTLEY 4 TH PLACE LSMCLOVESGOLF 5 TH PLACE PACKERFAN4EVER56

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