Distinctly Montana Magazine

Distinctly Montana Winter 2020

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1189548

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D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 2 0 76 About 10,000' deep under the Montana soil is hot volcanic magma. As rainwater flows down through faults, fissures, and cracks, the water is heated, sometimes as hot as 400°. en pressure propels it back up to the surface, dissolving minerals along the way until it spews out of the ground as a thermal hot spring. Diverse and plentiful, hundreds of hot springs have been created by the volcanic basin that sits beneath Montana. Native Americans considered hot springs sacred. ey valued and soaked in Montana's hot springs for hundreds of years believing in the health benefits. Untold others have flocked to these mineral springs, reporting benefits beyond blissful relaxation. Today, there are 61 private springs, undeveloped hot pools, and commercially developed hot springs that bubble up, mostly in western Montana. OVERVIEW While definitive medical studies are pretty vague about specific health benefits, positive data from those who use hot springs has been reported for years. We know hot water pulls the toxins out of your body. Absorption through the skin, called transdermal absorp- tion, allows the healthy minerals to combine with the heat for a plethora of benefits. Sweating opens your pores, removes salts from your system and helps to cleanse the outer skin. A promising field of science called balneology is expanding the informa- tion on the benefits of soaking in hot springs. My favorite study suggests that soaks in hot springs provide many of the benefits of exercise. Bathers burned more calories and their ability to control blood sugar levels increased. If you are serious about using hot springs for the benefits, consistent soaking three times a week is recommended to maximize those benefits. A S YOU SINK INTO A HOT SPRING, STRESS AND TENSION MELT AWAY, DE- LIVERING A GOOD BIT OF PLEASURE AND REJUVENATION. How different is a hot spring from a hot tub experience at a spa or in your backyard? While plain hot water will relax you and alleviate aches and pains, the magic of a geothermal hot springs is in the dissolved minerals. by JOEANN FOSSLAND H O T S P R I N G S F O R H E A L T H www.chicohotsprings.com (406) 333-4933 LYNN DONALDSON IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT USING HOT SPRINGS FOR THE BENEFITS, CONSISTENT SOAKING THREE TIMES A WEEK IS RECOMMENDED TO MAXIMIZE THOSE BENEFITS.

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