Distinctly Montana Magazine

Distinctly Montana Spring 2019

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1090885

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D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G 2 0 1 9 80 M ONTANA'S LANDSCAPE IS DOTTED WITH A HANDFUL OF "GENERAL STORES," AN INTEGRAL PART OF MONTANA'S HISTORY, DATING BACK TO THE LATE 1800S. Katy Martin, owner of Fishtail General Store says it best, "We were the Walmart of the world when there was no Walmart. ere weren't a lot of choices back then, but people didn't care." Each of these stores are surrounded by Montana's idyllic landscapes. All are owned by folks fiercely loyal to their tiny communi- ties. e stores are without doubt charmingly cluttered, a result of trying to provide a little bit of everything to their customers. Hours and seasons of operation vary with each store, so check their Web site or Facebook page before you hit the road with plans to visit these treasures. Cooke City register Polebridge interior Fishtail general store text & photos by DONNIE SEXTON P R E F E R R E D P R E F E R R E D P R E F E R R E D d d MONTANA'S GENERAL STORES

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