Distinctly Montana Magazine

Distinctly Montana Winter 2020

Distinctly Montana Magazine

Issue link: https://digital.distinctlymontana.com/i/1189548

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D I S T I N C T L Y M O N T A N A M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 2 0 108 DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE PLACE THAT'S WORTH THE TRIP? SEND YOUR IDEAS TO INFO@DISTINCTLYMONTANA.COM WORTH THE T R I P ! DEER LODGE In one jaunt you can visit the GRANT- KOHRS RANCH HISTORIC SITE, once the headquarters of a 10-million-acre cattle empire; then the Old Prison Complex at 1104 Main St, and finally treat yourself to scrumptious doughnuts at BOOMERANG BAKERY, 321 Main St. TWIN BRIDGES THE OLD HOTEL was built in 1879 and still serves delicious meals for brunch and dinner. Sits on the corner of 5th and Main. e three-story building was renovated in 1996 and still con- tains charming original details. See theoldhotel.com. BIGFORK WOODS BAY WINE (and dining). Serving dinner Wednesday through Sunday, along with top wines. One weekly meal plan with options is offered. Foods are locally sourced. e roast beef is luscious. Located on MT-35, #14942. Woodsbaywine.com. NEAR GREAT FALLS e secluded state park, SLUICE BOXES, is located in the Little Belt Mountains 37 miles south of Great Falls. To reach it head south on US -89 from Belt, then two miles west on a county road. Open all year but through hiking is not possible. Soaring limestone cliffs and ledges mark the canyon. See the remains of mines, a railroad, and historic cabins. www.stateparks.mt.gov/sluice-boxes/ ANACONDA GALLICANO'S PIZZERIA, located on Park Avenue, serves a variety of huge New York-style pizzas whole or by the slice, pasta too. (406) 563-7776. HELENA THE HOLTER MUSEUM OF ART is always worth a visit to see what is new. Small but a jewel right near Last Chance Gulch and St. Hele- na Cathedral. Open Tuesday-Sat- urday at 12 E. Lawrence. Holter Museum.org. While there take a stroll on the short REEDER'S ALLEY at 212 S. Park Ave., constructed in the 1870s to house miners.

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